Wednesday 1 October 2014

Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino
Bekk Thomas
Tarantino is an american film director, screenwriter, cinematographer, producer, and actor. 
He grew up an obsessed film fan and worked in a video rental store while training to act.
His career began in the late 1980s, when he wrote and directed My best friends birthday, the screenplay formed the basis for True romance. He then began his career as an independent filmmaker with the release of Reservoir dogs. Its popularity was boosted by the release in 1994 of his second film, Pulp fiction. That became a major success and judged the greatest film of the past 25 years.

Films directed:
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Django (2012)
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Reservoir dogs (1992)
Kill Bill volume 1 (2003)
Kill Bill volume 2 (2004)
Kill Bill volume 3 (2014)
Death Proof (2007)

Continuous themes:
Close ups on lips
Product Placement
Bathroom Scene

Continuous styles:
Non Linear Narrative
Long Shots
Famous Actors

Product Placement:
G.O. juice
Red apple cigarettes
Big Kahuna Burger
Fruit Brute Cereal
Teriyaki Donut
Jack Rabbit slim's

My opinion on Tarantino's films are very positive. All his films have been a big success and have become very popular around the world. In my opinion Django and Pulp Fiction are the best I've seen of his films and he should carry on with the themes and styles he continuously uses in his films for a further success in a film.

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