Wednesday 17 September 2014

The orphanage film review

The Orphanage

The film The orphanage (2006) directed by J.A. Bayona and written by Sergio G. Sanchez also staring Belen Rueda, Fornando Cayo and Roger Princep is about a women who brings her family back to her childhood home, which used to be an orphanage for handicapped children. Her son then soon starts to communicate with an invisible new friend.

Firstly there are some best bits from this film, when the mother helps her son with a treasure hunt she thinks he planned for them to do. This part is very interesting and has a perfect setting for such horror movie with dark rooms and secrets hidden within. Another interesting part is also when the mother finds a pile of shells at the front door and as she knows for certain it wasn't her son she carries on to believe her son is playing a game with his pretend friend. However there are some bad parts in this film such as the ending, although it is a happy ending it could have been better. It was quite a confusing ending and a little bit annoying how everything turned out but overall the ending wasn't the worst ending I've ever seen.

I think the starting was like any other horror film, boring and pointless. It took some time to get the story going and some parts were confusing and could have been thought out a bit more. In my opinion i don't really enjoy a happy start and a happy ending i would like to know for sure there is not going to be a sequal in a horror. Happy endings can easily turn into a 2nd movie.

In this dark horror there were some good filming. The place chosen to shoot this film was well thought out as there was a beach, caves, cliffs and forests the usual setting for a successful horror movie. There was also some interesting sounds in this movie. There was a lot of scary music that gets louder and faster to create tension for the viewers. There were familiar sounds from other horrors such as creaky floor boards and doors which creates a scary, dangerous atmosphere. There were a lot of sounds of children crying which created interest and weakness for the audience.

Lastly i think the diologue was quite entertaining. The quote "Do you want to keep playing?" was very effective when watching the movie as it was repeated a few times. Also the quote "we are together now" was a kind of end summery for the film telling us they are happy now they are all together.

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